Rice-Crop Doctor Expert System

National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) has developed an expert system to diagnose pests and diseases for rice crop and suggest preventive/curative measures. The rice crop doctor illustrates the use of expert-systems broadly in the area of agriculture and more specifically in the area of rice production through development of a prototype, taking into consideration a few major pests and diseases and some deficiency problems limiting rice yield.

The following diseases and pests have been included in the system for identification and suggesting preventive and curative measures. The diseases included are rice blast, brown spots, sheath blight, rice tungro virus, false smut fungi, bacterial leaf blight, sheath rot and zinc deficiency disease. The pests included are stem borers, rice gall midge, brown plant hopper, rice leaf folder, green leaf hopper and Gundhi bug.

example X,Y,Z. X is diseases, Y is symptoms, and Z is solution.

for example1 : the diseases is hama putih, then we will be given the symptoms and solution.

sysmptomps : daun padi menjadi putih

solution : penyemprotan insektisida Klitiop 50EC atau Tomator 3G

this is the table of diseases and solution :

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